Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Day Before Training..

It's like the day before a big test in high school. Will I pass? Am I prepared? Actually, maybe college is a better analogy because I remember thinking "WHAT WAS I THINKING?" the night before a lot of tests and that is the exact feeling I am having right now. Every time I walk into the kitchen to the get the kids a snack or up the stairs to put someone to nap, I am faced head on with a schedule that I have to stick to for the next 12 weeks. I'm scared! I did it before I can do it again..but I didn't do it before and what if history repeats itself and I get to 9 miles and get hurt? I keep reminding myself that I have carried three humans in this body (two of them at the SAME time!), that means my body is able to do this one little race, right? I have a horrible headache today and my stomach is a bit it the stress of my non napping children? the stress of deciding whether I am going to change our entire lives and change careers? or is is my nerves asking me, for probably the millionth time "WHAT WAS I THINKING??"
Tomorrow's Goal: 3 miles

1 comment:

  1. I say the same thing often...mile 4 yesterday, what the hell am I doing. Then I tell myself to shut up and just keep moving. You can do it.
